
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Like a Magnet

How terribly tardy of me! A whole week without another post and inspiration log! But I do have a good reason, I promise- two of them in fact! I was busy with a cosplay as well as an exhibition piece for the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival.

First things first- my latest cosplay was the Magnet version of Meiko from Vocaloid.

If you've browsed my DeviantArt gallery you'll notice she's the only Vocaloid I've cosplayed because she is in fact my favourite. She was the first Vocaloid (contrary to popular, uneducated belief) and the oldest out of the family canonically too. She's a little overlooked, but to me she's the original and the best!

All the materials minus the plastic tubing

Me at Lilly's apartment cutting feathers to size.
(Can you guess what we're watching on her laptop? ;D )

The finished product!

I Want You to Kiss Me by ~warui-chan on deviantART

Repaint My Body by ~warui-chan on deviantART

As Dawn Breaks by ~warui-chan on deviantART


  1. Oh wow!! This is such a gorgeous version of Magnet that I can't believe I haven't seen before! I do want those headphones!! I'd love to cosplay more Kaito with your Mieko, you're truly awesome as her!

    Best of luck with your new blog!

  2. Prince Aly! ;3; I would love to be your Meiko XD
