
Tuesday, March 29, 2011

JETAA 'Anime in the Arvo'

As most people would know (and should know), the earthquake/tsunami disaster in Japan happened recently and in lieu of that the JETAA held a fundraising event called 'Anime in the Arvo' in Federation Square on March 26.

The event called for cosplayer volunteers to go around asking for donations on behalf of the Red Cross, so I jumped at the opportunity. I attended to lend a hand because I have a family friend teaching over there right now, as well as a beloved host family.

I decided to cosplay as Ronald Knox from Kuroshitsuji

LMFF Opening Night report

Oops! How time flies! The opening night for The Complete History of Lust went fashionably well and a great time was had by all. It was a nerve-wracking night for me, being surrounded by prominent figures in the fashion and art industry and underneath it all it was a very humbling experience.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Save or Splurge?

I was extremely lucky to receive an invitation from Paris Kyne, a master Milliner in Melbourne, to take part in his exhibit 'The Complete History of Lust' which is part of the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival.

He wanted us to explore, using our particular genre which in my case is costume and fashion, the human tendency to always want more. I decided to explore what fashionistas struggle with every new fashion season- do you save money and buy a replica, or do you splurge an entire paycheck for the latest look?

With that in mind, I created the 'Little Black Discount'.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Like a Magnet

How terribly tardy of me! A whole week without another post and inspiration log! But I do have a good reason, I promise- two of them in fact! I was busy with a cosplay as well as an exhibition piece for the L'Oreal Melbourne Fashion Festival.

First things first- my latest cosplay was the Magnet version of Meiko from Vocaloid.

If you've browsed my DeviantArt gallery you'll notice she's the only Vocaloid I've cosplayed because she is in fact my favourite. She was the first Vocaloid (contrary to popular, uneducated belief) and the oldest out of the family canonically too. She's a little overlooked, but to me she's the original and the best!